Pat's Blog

These pictures are my favorites of the new year. I hopefully will be uploading some new artwork to the website. For all my friends, thank you for looking in. For all my new Twitter friends, I appreciate you looking at my work! Thank you again, all! 😀


I just finished this afghan for a neighbor's son's baby! What a mouthful!
My angel, my furbaby!
My first tulips of the year

Happy Holidays everyone!

This has been a good year for me. I entered paintings into a watercolor contest, in a magazine

called "The art of Watercolour" from France. I passed the first stage, and was printed in their 

catalog "Concours mondial de l'aquarelle"

It was a good feeling to be apart of something that spanned 28 countries.

I hope next year will be as wonderful. Hope all of you have a great coming year too!


Latest comments

20.12 | 12:31

Amazing work Pat!!! I never knew!

11.03 | 15:40

Very nice artwork! I really like the Lake Sunset piece. Gorgeous!

01.11 | 23:51

Beautiful flowers! Thanks for sharing

15.01 | 20:02

Pat, I am relatively new to the Forum. Browsing thru your website. Your talent impresses me, watercolour and photography, esp the glow in morning glories. Tx